Friday, March 13, 2009

Freedoms & Rights from our Forefathers

Thoughts on Patriotism
Liking/agreeing with the government hopefully doesn't reflect on patriotism.. My hope is that our patriotic passion is derrived from the idea that we/citizens have rights/freedoms because of the sacrifice by our forefathers.

Trying to be Positive
On a positive note, I do like our highways/freeways, parks and military.

President Jake of the Internet Party
On another note, when I have the opportunity to change our tax code, I vouch that it will be reduced to 1 page and clarity will be one of the major goals. It will also be designed to be attractive and easy to read. I think it would be helpful for people to know what percent they pay in taxes each year. Most people only know 'their income tax percent' and maybe their sales tax percent but often forget that they pay tax after they work and after they spend and after they die and when they live in a home and when they own a car. In fact the government even has me pay an 'air tax' that is part of my annual car tax.

Beyond all of the tax percents that add up, I also get mad when people work off the books and do not pay taxes since that puts the burden on those that do. If everyone paid their taxes/bills, then many companies and our government would not be in a 'hurt'.

On a positive note, I heard that there is going to be or may be a porn tax and a lap dance tax !

Governmental programs/waste makes me really mad (regardless of the politician in power who spends our (tax)money). Everybody likes santa clause (free money/benefits from the government for those were unresponsible) and nobody says no to Santa Clause.. ..when in reality the help they get just makes them rely on the government for more help. Bad behavior being rewarded and good behavior being ignored makes me think hard about why I am trying to pay my mortgage off quickly.

Example of Frustration
I recently received a RFP for webhosting for the Texas Lottery and it included several unbelievable requirements, such as "prospective Proposers are required to attend one of the mandatory pre-proposal conferences". The RFP was 113 pages long and looked like it was written like the tax code. My guess is that it would take 10 hours to read and about 12 hours to reply.

I can't believe they wrote a 113 page document to ask for 'webhosting'... You can see this monstrocity here:

This governmental proposal just blows my mind with a lack of common sense for efficiency. This seems like a good example of governmental waste (of time for the preparers and the responders).

Initially this looked enticing and interesting. But I would rather 'not bid' and win/save my time/energy/travel costs instead of bet and potentially win a big contract. So I win every time by not spending money/time on a lottery ticket/proposal ;)

In essence the complication level of the RFP allows this government entity to preselect who they would like to use because 'who can comply' with insane amounts of requirements for a chance at getting a small amount of work. Their motivation is 'barrier to entry/bid'.

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