There are several variables to consider when deciding who to use to host a website. If price is the only consideration, you may not know what problems to expect.

Many companies will host pornographic and/or offensive websites. Hosting a website with a company that hosts pornographic websites would damage your reputation when this information is discovered. Other problems that occur include:
- Mail server IP blacklisting because of spam
- Server resources over-utilized because of pornographic traffic
- Restoration of obscene content being added to your site by mistake
- People correlating your company or organization with an webhost that serves offensive material.
Here is a list of webhosts that we strongly encourage to avoid or move your services from:
Hosting your website with a local webhost in Tucson that has integrity will allow you to avoid these problems.

The national directory of Christian businesses, the Christian Business Directory put a great deal of thought into who to use for their webhosting needs. They chose because they wanted the best Christian webhost. is a
Christian webhost based in Tucson, Arizona. provides webhosting services to hundreds of companies and organizations with integrity throughout the United States and England.
Here are a few Christian organizations in Tucson that use for their webhosting:
The Crisis Pregnancy Centers of Tucson
The Gospel Rescue Mission of Tucson
New Testament Baptist Church also provides webhosting to Christian schools, Christian churches and many businesses with Christian owners.
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