Monday, November 9, 2009

Reaction to 4Tucson

I have been asked by a few people to participate with 4Tucson. Here is my reaction to 4Tucson (with the hope that someone may provide a thoughtful response to set me straight if I have an incorrect stance):

I am not convinced that the 5 problems on (No Vision For Our City, Worship the Environment, Don't Value Families, Disregard For Christian Heritage, Undervalue Economic Impact of Churches) would be something that I would like to spend any time/energy/resources on.

I currently have a full plate when it comes to ideas and opportunities to spend time, energy and resources.

Here is one that I enjoy promoting a great deal: I currently have a list of over 100 good ideas that I would like to eventually pick from to work on (eventually) when I get caught up on current obligations, projects and commitments.

So if one of 4Tucson's 'problems to address' included 'Stop Abortions (In Tucson)' then I may be interested in spending time, money and resources with them.

The Council of Church Leaders is a piece that I remember from the 4Tucson flow chart that also raised a flag with me, since that appeared to be something that I would not want to work through. I aspire to be 'too much of an Entrepeneur' to enjoy that sort of filter.


Jacob Lorion Barr
Internet Business Development

Saturday, November 7, 2009

Data Trends Regarding 3 E's: Economy, Energy and Enviroment

These videos are informational and an intellectual pleasure to watch and think about. I highly recommend them! You can find them here:

I strongly disagree with Nancy Pelosi's stance on KILLING A CHILD

Pelosi, Do not use my (tax) money to pay for abortions! - Jacob Barr

Friday, November 6, 2009

Democrats want to include abortion funding in health care bill AND there is a vote in a few hours!

The following was copied from

On Saturday, Congress will vote on the massive health care legislation which currently will spend your money on all elective abortion! Speaker Nancy Pelosi's health care bill authorizes the government run "public option" to fund elective abortion and would subsidize private plans that cover elective abortion. Pro-life Democrat Rep. Bart Stupak and Republican Rep. Joe Pitts want to offer a pro-life amendment to strike the abortion funding from the bill. However, Speaker Pelosi won't allow it. Instead, they have inserted a fake "compromise" to allow the government to fund abortion through private contractors, but this would still be GOVERNMENT funding of abortion (Medicare also uses private contractors to process fees and no one would call Medicare "private" funding.)
Speaker Pelosi will not allow a vote on a true amendment that would stop funding of abortion so you need to ask your Representative today to oppose the Rule that prevents a vote on the Stupak-Pitts amendment. And if that Rule passes they need to oppose final passage of the bill.
LAST CHANCE TO CALL BEFORE THE VOTE SATURDAY!!! Call your Member of Congress by contacting the Capitol Switchboard: (202) 224-3121 or email them here.

Positive Update:

House OKs Vote on Stupak Amendment to Cut Abortion Funding From Health Care

by Steven Ertelt Editor
November 6, 2009

Washington, DC ( -- In a surprise move after hours of tumultuous negotiations, the House Rules Committee, very early Saturday morning, approved rules for debate on the pro-abortion health care bill. Although it appeared Speaker Nancy Pelosi would deny one, it allows a vote on an amendment to remove abortion funding.

Pelosi's hand appeared to have been forced when pro-abortion House Majority Leader Steny Hoyer announced earlier in the day that she did not have enough votes to pass the bill because of objections from pro-life Democrats.

The committee okayed a Rule that allows the House to vote on the Stupak amendment, offered by pro-life Rep. Bart Stupak, a Michigan Democrat, to the health care reform legislation.

Stupak had dozens of Democrats who threatened to vote against the Rule and the bill if he did not get a vote on his amendment. If the amendment is defeated, Stupak and pro-life Democrats will likely still oppose the bill because of the abortion funding.

The bill, HR 3962, currently funds abortions in two ways -- by allowing the public option (or government-run health care program) to pay for abortions and by allowing the affordability credits the government would give to consumers to be used to pay for health care plans that fund abortions.

The Stupak amendment would apply the fundamental principles of the Hyde amendment, which has long prohibited abortion funding under the Medicaid and HHS programs, to the health care reform bill and essentially prohibit all government funding of abortion under it.

Douglas Johnson, the legislative director of the National Right to Life Committee, told after the committee vote on the Rule that the vote on the Stupak could be the most important abortion-related vote cast in Congress since Roe.

"This will be one of the most important roll call votes that U.S. House members ever casts on a pro-life issue," he said. "Any lawmaker who votes against the Stupak-Pitts Amendment is, in effect, voting in favor of establishing a federal government program that will directly fund abortion on demand, with federal funds."

Johnson urged all pro-life advocates to call both the Washington and in-state offices of their representatives in the U.S. House to urge support for the Stupak-Pitts Amendment.

The vote on the Stupak amendment could decide the fate of the health care reform bill -- because das many as 40 pro-life Democrats could vote against the bill if the Stupak amendment is not adopted and the abortion funding remains.

The House Rules Committee vote came after a long night of negotiation and discussions that, at one point, seemed as if they had gone out of control and would have resulted in the allowance of a limited amendment to only remove abortion funding out of the public option but not the affordability credits.

Stupak told Fox News late in the day that he had "not received any assurances by the Speaker that (the amendment) would be made in order."

"I have not had a deal with the Speaker," he said before the committee allowed a vote on his amendment. "If our amendment is made in order, I believe it will pass. " We've had so many agreements, I don't believe anything unless it's on paper."

Abortion advocates in the House were livid that Stupak's amendment would get a vote.

"There will be no abortion, not just with public funds, but with private funds under the public option, and that's not acceptable," Rep. Diana DeGette, a Colorado Democrat, claimed.

And Cecile Richards, the president of Planned Parenthood, fired off a press release blasting the deal top Democrats made with Stupak and his pro-life Democratic coalition.

She claimed the amendment would force private insurance companies to drop abortion coverage even though "the majority of private health insurance plans currently offer abortion coverage" -- a statistic that has been challenged as untrue.

She said the Stupak amendment "upends the carefully crafted compromise in the House bill and unambiguously restricts women's access to care."

The allowance of a vote on the Stupak amendment came after the nation's Catholic bishops delivered a final letter to members of Congress on Friday asking for a vote.

Doerflinger, associate director of the bishops conference's pro-life office, told the Washington Post that the bishops would drop their objections to the health care bill if the Stupak amendment is added and all abortion funding is removed.

"We become enthusiastic advocates for moving forward with health care reform," he said, if that happens.

The Post described the chaotic scene as advocates on both sides of the abortion divide sought to allow or prevent a vote on the Stupak amendment.

"Negotiations between the two camps consumed much of the day Friday, as representatives from the warring factions shuttled into and out of House Speaker Nancy Pelosi's office just off the Capitol Rotunda. A deal was finally struck shortly before 9:30 p.m., sending Stupak to the House Rules Committee to request official permission to offer his amendment -- permission that was finally granted shortly after 1 a.m. Saturday," it indicated.

"After the deal was struck, annoyed pro-choice leaders filed out of Pelosi's office to confer with their supporters," it concluded.

ACTION: Contact your members of the House of Representatives immediately at and urge a YES vote on the Stupak amendment to stop abortion funding in the health care bill. Also, urge your members to vote NO on the health care bill, HR 3962, if the Stupak amendment is defeated.

Related web sites:
National Right to Life -