Friday, October 24, 2008


Message to me:

I believe abortion is murder. I had three abortions and regret them til this day. On the otherhand I can't become a fifty something year old sanctimonious Christian when I know how a young girl feels when she becomes pregnant and is abandoned by her boyfirend or husband. Abortion isn't going away. It will go underground. My mother-in-law was orphaned because her mother got an abortion when she was four and died of an infection. Without a mother her life was hell. Children bought into this world who aren't wanted sometimes fair very poorly. Sorry to say but a man cannot possibly understand this issue nor can he comment on it. It's kind of like talking about labor pains. You have to have been there in order to know everything involved with this issue. I have to have compassion for these young girls because I've walked in their shoes, I've had foster children in my life for more than fifty years and I believe Jesus is big enough to forgive us also.
Abortion is wrong, its murder but please have compassion on people who find themselves in this situation. Sarah Palin's daughter has a very rough road ahead of her. The road is called 'No man, no money and no hope'. A rough road for the mother and a dangerous road for the child.

My response:
There is help for girls in these situations.

There is help for a woman who has had an abortion.

People come together to help girls and their babies in situations like this.

The Bible calls murder wrong. As a man I am not making the rule, I am just applying the Bible to this problem.

Her response:
We agree to disagree. Capital punishment is wrong also.

My response:
How can you honestly group an innocent baby with a terrible murderer? Saving the baby is the right thing to do.

If I had the choice to save a murderer or a baby, I would choose to save the baby.

I disagree that we disagree. I think you need to change your mind. I would prefer to agree to agree.

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