Friday, April 30, 2010

On Friday, Governor Jan Brewer signed into law Senate Bill 1070.

On Friday, Governor Jan Brewer signed into law Senate Bill 1070.
Since then she has come under fire from President Obama, Mayor Phil Gordon, the liberal east coast media, Al Sharpton and others who want us to back down from securing our borders. Rest assured, we will not back down until our borders are secure.
Since Friday, tens of thousand of concerned Americans have signed their name to Governor Jan Brewer’s Arizona Immigration Reform petition. This is great news.
However, with the attacks coming from the left and Washington, D.C., we need to spread the word and recruit others who, like you, support immigration reform.
To help recruit others, we ask that you take a moment now to cut and paste the email below and send it to everyone in your contact list. With your help now, we can once and for all secure our borders.
Thank you for supporting Governor Jan Brewer.


On Friday, Governor Jan Brewer signed into law Senate Bill 1070. This legislation is another step forward in securing our border and protecting our neighborhoods.
I have signed a petition in support of securing our borders and calling on the federal government to finally act. I urge you to join me by clicking on the following link now:
Since signing this legislation, Governor Brewer has come under attack from President Obama, Mayor Phil Gordon, Al Sharpton and the liberal east coast media. Join me in standing with her and fighting for true illegal immigration reform.
Please visit today!

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